A beautiful day in the Banderas Bay, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
We were ready to share all the deep information about the origin of the most colorful and joyable cellebrations of the western culture; and how, sadly because COVID-19, Valentine´s Day and Carneval got cancelled all around the world.
But, last Sunday, was our last free day at our family business here in Puerto Vallarta.
So, each member of the family gave to their free spirit, and took the life very seriously to do one activity that we most love.
Mike took his BMW 1200 bike, lent one of his motorcycles to his Swiss friend Swen, who has a Hostel at the end of the globe, in Alaska, and with other good friends, they started the adventure to meet the other part of the team.
They drove from Puerto Vallarta directly to the beautiful mountains of Atotonilco, to join our very good family friends Charly and his nephew Sandro.
Charly Schäpper has built with his Mexican wife Maria Elena, a very cool tribe of professional travelers. They have the best refuge for those who like to explore the world on roads.
At Charly´s Bungalows, you get the funest and most deliciouse beef stake with fresh salad, home baked bread, fine european cheeses produced in the region, (famous among the greats of the gastronomy), and a (or some) very cold beer(s).
“Natürlich” we have to mention the high quality of tequila you get by Charly´s Bungalows.
But we won´t go so far. If you want to know more about it, you just have to decide a trip to the crib of the tequila and visit a very unique Mexican-swiss experience. Because there are no more words to describe once we arrive into the “tequila subject”, by Charly´s.
Female encounter
The south area of Banderas Bay, is reachable only by boat.
Well, that´s not really true. Yes, cars have no access. But you can always wear your walking shoes, get a light backpack, and immerse yourself in the subtropical rainforest from our majestic mountains.
A friend of Irma, (the heart of the family of Hacienda Alemana), showed suddenly up and they took the trail of the jungle and wildness very close to the shore of the Banderas Bay.
The one of the delicate hands that prepare breakfast for the Guest every morning, took her friend to explore the shore of the Banderas Bay through the famous hike from Boca de Tomatlán to Las Ánimas.
What a beautiful day, she said.
Living the Dream
It was dark and the stars were pointing our direction early in the morning to La Corbeteña. An archipiélago 65 km. north of Puerto Vallarta, further Las Marietas, further El Morro.
Slowly the sky started to get their reddish colors until the full blue covered our heads.
Three hours later of driving on the boat, we all started to get ready with all our gear to jump into the cold Pacific Ocean.
The horizon was breathing and “bridging” through the amazing activity of the humpback whales, the ocean was bubbling, and gulls, fragats, boobies, blue-footed boobies, were flying all around in a very festive day. We all were so excited to do one of our most beloved hobbies: Freediving (me) and Spearfishing (Azor and Aldo).
We didn´t count the hours that we were in the ocean. I just notice the waves getting stronger and the light of the sun smoother.
We had already a good catch. The food for the whole week was guaranteed.
The same thought one of the owners of La Corbeteña. The famous Sealion, who was advantageous enough, to take our largest parrot fish.
Well, the tribute was done: Thank you Mother Nature, for offering us such a great opportunity to get our own fresh fish.
The sun was getting weaker, and the Two Brothers and a Panga, got what they were looking for: a big tuna.
During the back boat ride, he cut a slice and we ate the freshest sashimi you can imagine ever.
The sky was Golden, we were so grateful and excited.
By night, the dark ocean had his own light: bioluminiscence got activated by the movement and suddenly the ocean turned neon blue.
We were just living the dream.
Now, we are ready to keep our restaurant gate open, to celebrate love, friendship, and share our traditional German flavors every day from 12:30-23:00 hrs.
Herzlich Willkommen!